Author: Rishi Chauhan

IG Drones, India’s leading enterprise drone solutions company, has secured the annual contract for periodic monitoring of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project. The project is one of the largest infrastructure development projects in India, and IG Drones will play a critical role in its success and maintenance considering the project was expected to be completed this year. The Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project is a high-speed railway line being built between the cities of Mumbai and Ahmedabad. It is an ambitious project that aims to revolutionize transportation in India by providing a faster and more efficient mode of transportation for passengers…

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Medical billing refers to the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for medical services rendered. It involves creating and submitting claims to insurance companies on behalf of patients, and then following up with the insurance company to ensure that the claims are processed and paid correctly. The medical billing process includes verifying patient insurance coverage, submitting claims, tracking payments, and handling any denials or rejections from insurance companies. It also involves communicating with patients about their insurance coverage, copays, deductibles, and any outstanding balances owed to the healthcare provider.…

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That ‘health is wealth’ may be a very old adage, but it is one that has assumed newfound relevance today, following the trying years of the pandemic we’ve all recently lived through. The stresses of modern life often lead one to put their own well-being on the back burner. In particular, when working in the corporate sector, with its fast pace and pressing demands. It’s this very lifestyle that health-tech start-up Mediwheel aims to change — thereby putting one’s mental and physical well-being at the forefront of their personal and professional life. The 3 year-old Healthtech Startup, founded in New…

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Trichogene -DNA-based hair treatment is an enterprise founded by Dr M. Sai Babu and Mohd Rizwan Younus in Hyderabad, India. It works uniquely and first of this kind in India. Trichogene was founded with the aim to provide a very accurate hair loss treatment based on a pharmacogenetics approach. Pharmacogenetics is a new branch of genetics where treatment will be given based on individual gene-drug interactions. This eliminates trial and error and conventional approaches like “one size fits all”. Drugs used to treat diseases will be metabolized by various enzymes. Each enzyme is encoded by a gene. If there is…

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A wise investment can change your life. It has the potential to change not only your life but also the lives of your children. It is critical to invest money in order to achieve personal growth and secure your family’s future. It is always prudent to be prepared and to begin investing as soon as possible. People no longer rely solely on a single source of income and conventional savings to attain financial independence. Stocks, mutual funds, gold, cryptocurrency, and other assets are now included in investment portfolios. While all of these assets are common, real estate continues to account…

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As the world has evolved, new technologies have emerged, and new problems have also emerged in the market, especially for common users. For example, data privacy has become the new biggest problem in the world. But we are not here to discuss the problems but the solution because a few days back, we were looking for a way to host our website without losing our data. And after analyzing hundreds of companies, we found QloudHost claiming to be the #1 DMCA ignored hosting provider. Hence we decide to try its services and share with you our personal experience here in…

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A moment of reflection on the work done so far, gratitude for everything achieved so far, and sheer determination to accomplish more in the days to come; such was the emotion for Nasir Shaikh, Group CEO, The Lexicon Group Institutes, MultiFit, and EduCrack as he was felicitated for Excellence in Leadership and Innovation in Life Coaching and Education by H.E Prithviraj Roopun GCSK, Honourable President of the Republic of Mauritius. The Excellence in Education Awards 2022 shed light and recognized the hard work put in by educationists and their contribution towards creating futuristic leaders. They say “A genuine leader is not a searcher for…

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Pozitive Planet announced the launch of Pozitive Academy- a sponsored training initiative in Tri-city for unemployed & underpaid employees to train them across domains whilst offering them a stipend. They also intend to increase their workforce in the coming year across their 12 companies. Pozitive Academy is a CSR initiative built to contribute to & bridge the gap between the growing unemployment & the youth, especially post the pandemic. It is an effort to reconstruct a better and more resilient human capital as an essential investment for a stable future. This skill set development program will hone raw talent that…

Read More is India’s leading medical portal, and it has been helping people by connecting them to the best doctors in their cities. The website has a comprehensive list of doctors from all specialties. This has helped patients get in touch with the best doctors and get the best treatment. The website also has information about the treatments, approximate costs, and more information about the treatment. After receiving a positive response and some feedback from the visitors, launched another portal. This new portal can help you find the hospital details in your city. The team behind the got this…

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Baby powder is as common as diapers. But is it safe? When most people think of newborns, the first thing that springs to mind is their fresh baby aroma, which may have a hint of baby powder. For many years, baby powder has been a go-to product for new parents. Surprisingly, pediatricians have been warning about the possible risks of talc-based baby powders since 1969. Some talc includes asbestos in its natural state. Asbestos is a highly carcinogenic material that, when absorbed into the lungs, can cause fatal lung cancer. Unfortunately, one of the biggest manufacturers of talcum-based powders recently…

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